800万美元的拨款提高了社区大学的研究能力, undergraduate-serving机构, 行业

A male and female student work together in front of a piece of scientific equipment

Undergraduate researchers test samples in the Additive Biomanufacturing Lab at 基恩州立大学, 新NH-LIFT计划的合作伙伴. 威廉·罗贝尔/基恩州立学院摄.

New Hampshire will advance its leadership as an innovator in science and technology and increase its 阀杆 workforce with investments across the state’s institutions of higher education, 由国家科学基金会资助. 800万美元的合作协议授予主要研究, 这是全国仅有的三家之一, 旨在增加研究机会, 指导, 培训, 以及新罕布什尔州社区学院之间的合作关系, 四年制大学和工业.

“主要研究 will collaborate across New Hampshire to create a more robust research infrastructure that allows all institutions in the state to more meaningfully participate in funded research projects, building New Hampshire’s 阀杆 workforce and driving the state’s innovation economy.”

有了这样的支持, 主要研究 will collaborate across New Hampshire to create a more robust research infrastructure that allows all institutions in the state to more meaningfully participate in funded research projects, building New Hampshire’s 阀杆 workforce and driving the state’s innovation economy,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济参与和推广以及赠款的首席研究员.

该倡议, called New Hampshire Long-term Investment to Fuel Transformative research (NH-LIFT), will provide opportunities for students to pursue research experiences in areas that align with their interests; for academic and 行业 researchers to expand their research pursuits through external funding and accessible research infrastructure; and for the state to increase and retain a skilled workforce-ready population.


  • Developing a statewide network of research facilities to broaden access to advanced instrumentation and technical expertise.
  • Increasing student and early-career researcher success through cross-institution programming and partnerships that support research, 指导, 职业发展和保留.
  • Improving research support and service capacity at primarily undergraduate institutions and small businesses.

“新罕布什尔州的研究界推动着科学进步. 它创造了就业机会, strengthens our local economy and addresses some of our nation’s most pressing challenges,森说。. 珍妮·沙欣(Jeanne Shaheen)是联合国儿童基金会主席.S. 参议院小企业和创业委员会主席.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies. “这个奖项是花岗岩州科学界的胜利. I look forward to following and celebrating its results while continuing to fight for investments, 通过EPSCoR项目, 对新罕布什尔州有利.”

“The NH-LIFT project encapsulates New Hampshire’s innovative spirit by bringing together New Hampshire colleges and universities with our businesses to drive our economy forward,森说。. 玛吉哈桑. “I worked across the aisle to help develop and pass into law the Chips and Science Act so that projects like this one would be possible, and I’m excited to see $8 million coming to our state to help strengthen cutting edge research and our 阀杆 workforce.”

Partners in the four-year NH-LIFT initiative are the 社区 College System of New Hampshire; 主要研究 and Dartmouth College, the state’s two research universities; and primarily undergraduate-serving机构 Antioch University New England, Colby-Sawyer大学, 富兰克林皮尔斯大学, 基恩州立大学, 新英格兰学院, 普利茅斯州立大学, 里维尔大学和圣安瑟姆学院.

通过在州内开展全方位的高等教育, NH-LIFT aims to expand opportunities to contribute to the state’s innovation-based economies to more students who are ethnically diverse, 第一代或来自低社会经济背景.

“建立可持续的研究能力, we are leveraging individual institutional strengths across the state and creating enduring networks,梅林达·特德韦尔说, 基恩州立学院的校长. “在基恩州立大学, we look forward to building upon existing collaborative partnerships across the state to enhance opportunities for our students and faculty to engage in powerful research.”

NH-LIFT is supported by an award from the National Science Foundation EPSCoR 研究 Infrastructure Improvement E-CORE program. 主要研究 also secured and managed NSF EPSCoR’s last major investment in New Hampshire, the $20 million NH BioMade倡议该项目支持该州快速发展的生物材料产业.